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BioMedical Art & Illustration Stock Copytights - BioMedical Art & Illustration Stock

BioMedical Art & Illustration Stock Copytights


This page consists of various help topics to make sure you understand BioMedical Art & Illustration Stock from Medical Illustrator & Animator Du Peng’ Studios and you can easily find answers to your queries.


All of the illustrations available for licensing on BioMedical Art & Illustration Stock from Medical Illustrator & Animator Du Peng’ Studios are protected under Title 17 of the United States Code – US copyright lawThe Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, and copyright laws established in other countries. If you have any doubts about what can and cannot be done with our illustrations, consult our license agreement, your invoice, or call us at: (800) 523-1649, ext. 3276.
We’re serious about protecting our illustrations from copyright violation and we will pursue legal action against users who disregard copyright law. At the same time, we value our customers and we want to make sure that your experience with BioMedical Art & Illustration Stock from Medical Illustrator & Animator Du Peng’ Studios is a good one. So, in order to help you avoid violating copyright law and opening yourself up to a lawsuit, we’ve developed this guide to how you can and cannot use our illustrations.

Rights Managed

Illustrations in the Netter Collection are rights managed. Rights managed means that when you purchase a license to use an illustration from our collection, you are permitted to use it one time, in one specific project whether it be a book, CD-ROM, website or something else. If you wish to use the same illustration again, you will have to re-license it. We’ve made it easy for you to re-license an illustration. We also offer “Bulk Licensing” whereby you pay an annual license to use a selection of illustrations (or a single illustration) in various projects throughout the year. For information about Bulk Licensing, please contact our Licensing Department.
